Hi everyone,
I think I have a long time problem between the importation of project from Windows to MacOS.
I have made a project on Windows using Mono.Cairo to draw the texture of a GameObject.
- I have set the Api Compatibility Level to .NET 2.0.
- I have added the Mono.Cairo.dll in the Plugins folder.
It works perfectly fine with Windows. So I made a build for MacOS and tried it: it didn't work.
So I installed Cairo on my Mac and I imported my Unity project (I tried to cut/paste the project and to make a package) in my MacOS and saw the errors below in my Unity editor:
"DllNotFoundException: libcairo.so.2 - Cairo.ImageSurface..ctor(...."
I searched on the web and tried several solutions:
- I changed the Mono.Cairo.dll of my project by the one I found in MonoDevelop Frameworks (for MacOS).
- I renamed the name of my libcairo.2.dylib file to libcairo.so.2.dll.bundle like said in [ANSWER][1].
- I tried to change the config file in my Unity.app by changing either the name of the dll or its path (see [HERE][2]).
- I may have kind of the same problem as [HERE][3] but I am not building the lib Mono.Cairo, how can I be sure it is a 32 bits bundle?
With all these tests, the result was the same: the dll using Mono.Cairo could not be found.
So my last resort is to ask the community to see if anyone has a new idea to this problem? (By the way, it didn't work on Android as well)
Should this libcairo.so.2 file be a dll file or a dylib or a bundle?
Can I have .bundle or .dylib in my Plugins folder, or should it always be .dll?
If you want more details, fell free to ask them.
[1]: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/53170/using-drawing-package-like-systemdrawing.html
[2]: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/569369/dllnotfoundexception-on-c-library-in-osx-phidgets.html
[3]: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/49150/building-osx-bundles-for-unity-extensions-with-ext.html+but+no+solutions