i everyone,
I have a project which is working fine when building with IL2CPP scripting backend. However if I try to build a project with the .NET scripting backend it fails to build giving me following errors:
> UnityException: Failed to run> reference rewriter with command> "--target=Temp\StagingArea\Assembly-CSharp.dll" "--target=Temp\StagingArea\Unity.TextMeshPro.dll"> "--target=Temp\StagingArea\UnityEngine.Timeline.dll"> "--target=Temp\StagingArea\UnityEngine.UI.dll"> "--target=Temp\StagingArea\System.Numerics.dll" "--target=Temp\StagingArea\UnityEngine.SpatialTracking.dll"> "--target=Temp\StagingArea\UnityEngine.HoloLens.dll"> "--target=Temp\StagingArea\UrdfImporter.dll"> "--target=Temp\StagingArea\RosBridgeClient.dll" "--target=Temp\StagingArea\UnityEngine.Networking.dll"> "--target=Temp\StagingArea\Newtonsoft.Json.dll" "--target=Temp\StagingArea\MathNet.Numerics.dll"> "--target=Temp\StagingArea\websocket-sharp.dll
It seems to be unable to find the pluggins (DLL files I included in the Pluggins folder of the project) but only if I use .NET. Why is it working but IL2CPP? Is there a solution to get the project also working with .NET? Hope for your help and thanks in advance!