I am trying to use OpenCVSharp to do face tracking and download the Dll from here : [OpenCvSharp][1].
Everything is good in editor, but I have two question here:
1. In editor mode, It always show up the debug message
"DllNotFoundException" when I press the play button at first time, but it will fine at second time......why?
2. when I build the exe file, Development Build Message still told me "DllNotFoundException". I'm sure all Dll is put in "Assets/Plugins" and change player setting ".Net 2.0 subset" to ".Net 2.0" ,but it still can't work.
Could someone help me?
Here can download my project -> [Here][2]
[1]: https://github.com/shimat/opencvsharp/releases
[2]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz3ZQVqc1j6gaEFTZ1poek1HZnc/edit?usp=sharing